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The Story of Inflation

What happens when things become expensive

Let’s say there are 100 people in a Party. An announcement is made that a very exclusive painting is offered on auction at Rs 1 lac as starting value.

People keep making offers and the Painting is being pruchased for Rs 10 lac.

Now let us look at the same situation but with a little difference

This time by some magical intervention, 50 % of the money in the wallets of the 100 people vanish So only 50 % money is left with them. Now will the painting fetch more or less money?

Clearly less and it will perhaps get sold for Rs 5 to 6 lacs because the buying force got halved. By reducing the supply of available money the same item got cheaper

This is how Inflation is brought under control. Instead of someone stealing some wallets, the way this is done is by increasing interest rates. The moment interest rates are increased people’s wallets come under pressure. Now they have to pay higher EMIs and to that extent money disappears from their wallets. This is how Inflation and interest rates are related with each other.

When interest rates are increased, some people who had kept their money in volatile stock markets will now sell the stocks and invest the money in higher yielding debt instruments

Therefore when interest rates go up, 3 things happen

a) Inflation comes down

b) People lend more money to realise. better guaranteed returns

c) They sell their shares to get the money to lend at higher rates. This selling pressure in the stock market can being the market down

I rest my case

**Disclaimer : This Article is only for information Purpose and should not treated as Financial Advice.**



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