Learning from SIP
SIP never bothers about what people talk about its small size. It displays massive spirit and energy from day one. It keeps doing its job irrespective of the conditions around it. The Markets tosses it here and there life the ocean would rock a boat but like the brave boat, it doesn’t give, lose or sink. When the ocean calms down, the boat is there steady and stronger. It never looks at short term outcomes. Even if it faces resistance earlier on, it faces the challenges head and marches on against all odds. It is clear about the direction it has to take not bothering much about its speed. Keep sailing is what it tells to itself.
It has massive conviction in itself and does not need anyone else to encourage or motivate it. There are disappointing periods in its journey when everything seems lost but it never loses self confidence, In fact it shows more determination when times are challenging and performs even better.It believes in काम करो और फल की चिंता मत करो. Lo and behold, it experiences Power of Compounding and Delivers much more than one would anticipate
Disclaimer : This Article is only for information Purpose and should not be treated as Financial Advice.