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Markets are crashing Am I in Pain or in Gain?


Markets are crashing

Am I in Pain or in Gain???????

Some people are excited and are trying to arrange funds to buy at Pre-Covid Prices

Some are just holding on to their positions hoping for the storm to settle

Some are scared to death

All the three of them own the same Portfolio

However all three of them have a different Portfolio in the minds made

1) Different Levels of Conviction

2) Different stories about investing

3) Different levels of Greed

4) Different levels of Patience

5) Different levels of Fear

6) Different kinds of friends

7) Different kinds of mindsets

8) Different kinds of lifestyle

9) Different kinds of values

10) Different kinds of education

These 10 elements builds a portfolio in your mind

When markets sway, it is this portfolio inside your head that is the cause of pain or a feeling of gain

Disclaimer : This Article is only for information Purpose and should not be treated as Financial Advice.



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