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What is Money Yog


What is Money Yog?

Yog works in awesome ways. The whole idea is make all your muscles work and make the body flexible. Stiffness is caused because muscles have not been made to work for years together. Yog adds flexibility to your body making muscles stronger and supple. Money management and yog have many things in common. If you can understand Yog, you will appreciate money management.

Money fails to deliver because we do not make our money work hard enough like unused muscles. We do not make money work hard enough because we have a rigid mindset like a stiff body before Yog training. So first we need to exercise our mind muscles and make it flexible like Yog makes our body flexible. Once our mind can think beyond Fixed Deposits (Fixed Mindset) we are able to make our money work harder. A flexible mind understands that when Money is sent out into the economy to work in different industries as capital, it gets nourished in the bargain and returns healthier.

Thus work makes money healthy and flexible mind allows money to work harder. So get rid of rigidity & unlock the mind to see how best money can be deployed to work at its best by moving away from saving into the world of investing.

Disclaimer : This Article is only for information Purpose and should not be treated as Financial Advice.



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